Schalke Market - Gewerkenstraße

When the myth was more than a song

Schalke Market used to be the heart of the entire neighbourhood. Living, living and working came together here. Take a look back to the time when the Schalker Kreisel regularly brought the German championship here.

You are standing at the bus stop "Schalker Markt" and are looking at the Schalker Market. Go to the information board "Gelsenkirchen Schalker Markt". It is located to the left of the bus stop.

Look for the ball with the number 33, stand on the footprints and tap on "Start AR".

You can find detailed instructions on how to use the AR applications here on the "AR Help" page.

View from Gewerkenstraße

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From Gewerkenstraße, you used to have everything in view back in the old days. The north side of Schalker Markt was firmly in the hands of industry. Dozens of chimneys smoked here day and night next to the pit frames of the Consolidation 1/6 colliery. The Friedenskirche, shops and residential buildings used to border directly on industry. They all came together at Schalker Markt. It only lost its central importance after its destruction in the Second World War and the construction of the Berlin Bridge.

Tap on the "Friedenskirche" button below and bring the church that was destroyed in the Second World War back to life. Or use the "Kaiserhalle" button to discover the former centre of Schalke's club life.

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